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Internet Explorer 8

Microsoft on Monday released a near-final “release candidate” version of Internet Explorer 8, the next version of its Web browser.

The software maker plans to say more on its Web site around noon, but, as noted by enthusiast site Neowin, the code is already available from Microsoft’s download center.


Among the new features in IE 8 is a browsing mode known as InPrivate, designed not to leave fingerprints on a PC.

(Credit: Microsoft)

With IE 8, Microsoft is hoping to regain some lost ground by adding features such as private browsing, improved security, and a new type of add-ons, called accelerators.

On the security front, Microsoft is adding a cross-site scripting filter, as well as protections against a type of attack known as clickjacking.

In an interview, IE General Manager Dean Hachamovitch said there will be little change between the release candidate and the final version, though he declined to say when the final version will be released.

“The ecosystem should expect the final candidate to behave like the release candidate,” Hachamovitch said.

Internet Explorer 8 will work with Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or later) and Windows Vista. A version of IE 8 is also being built into Windows 7.

However, the IE code in Windows 7 is a pre-release candidate version.

“Windows 7 enables unique features and functionality in Internet Explorer 8 including Windows Touch and Jump Lists which require additional product tests to ensure we are providing the best Windows experience for our customers,” the software maker said in a statement. “Microsoft will continue to update the version of Internet Explorer 8 running on Windows 7 as the development cycles of Windows 7 progress.”

Experience Internet Explorer 8

download nero 9 full version

Filed under: browser, internet, internet explorer 8, web browser

Internet Explorer password retrieval software 5.0.1

Lost and forgotten passwords are a familiar issue to most Internet users. Internet Explorer password recovery software easily decrypt passwords directly from Windows registry files. The software is very easy to use and operate. Tool recovers passwords to web sites saved in Microsoft Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer Password Recovery software provides user friendly interface and support all windows operating system including windows XP, ME, NT 2000 and Vista. Our program helps to recover all the types of passwords used on the IE and saved by the AutoComplete system. Program supports all version of internet explorer including 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0. Software is very easy to use and does not require any technical skills to operate it. User can view the first two characters of the recovered passwords using our demo version program and see the full password character to use our full version software.

Download now

Filed under: internet, softwares

Proxy Test

Proxy Test

Check if your proxy is truly anonymous. This test tries to detect your real IP address even if connected via a proxy server.


Filed under: internet, proxy

Anonymous Surfing

Anonymous Surfing

Select an anonymous proxy server from the drop-down list, enter a URL anb click “Go” to view a site anonymously.

   <!– Slysurf–> <!– Anonymization–> <!– AnonymizationService–>  Anonymouse  SnoopBlocker <!– Anonymizer–>  Guardster   
 New window

This service is provided by all-nettools


Filed under: Anonymous Surfing, internet

Connecting and Logging On to a Remote Host

From FTP, you must establish a connection to the remote host you wish to access.

If you did not enter a remote host name on the command line when you started FTP, you must open a connection to the remote system as follows.

From the ftp> prompt, enter the OPEN command followed by the remote host ARPA domain name, internet protocol (IP) address, or NS node name supplied by your network administrator:

ftp> OPEN remotehostname

IP Addresses

IP addresses are assigned by your network administrator to uniquely identify computer systems to allow communication between systems on the network.

IP addresses, also called internet addresses, are in the form:


Where nnn is a number from 000 to 255, inclusive. For example, if the IP address of the remote system is, you would enter:

ftp> OPEN

Node Names

Besides using IP addresses with the FTP OPEN command, you can use either an ARPA domain name or an NS node name in the OPEN command. NS names are recognized if the remote host supports the Probe protocol or if the remote host name is configured in your local node network directory. ARPA domain names are configured in two ASCII files, RSLVCNF.NET.SYS and HOSTS.NET.SYS. For configuration information, refer to Installing and Managing HP ARPA File Transfer Protocol Network Manager’s Guide. Obtain the node names from your network administrator. For example, if the name,node2, is configured as a remote host name on your network, you can enter:

ftp> OPEN node2

For a system identified by a fully-qualified NS nodename such as nodex3.test.hp (in the form:nodename.domain.organization, you can enter:

ftp> OPEN nodex3.test.hp

Logging On

Once the connection has been established, enter the remote user logon name and password when prompted.

You must know the user logon syntax for the remote host you are accessing. For example, an HP 9000 logon name could be: myname. You would enter the following when prompted:

Name (username) myname
331 Password required for myname.
PASSWORD: (enter password)
230 User myname logged in.

Passwords are not echoed back to your terminal screen.

Changing Accounts

To log into a different user account on the remote system, use the USER command. After entering the user logon name, you are prompted for any passwords associated with the logon name:

ftp> USER myname
331 Password required for myname.
PASSWORD: (enter password)
230 User myname logged in.

Accessing Another Remote Host

After establishing a connection to a remote host, you can access another remote host by entering theCLOSE command, then entering another OPEN remotehostname command:

ftp> CLOSE
ftp> OPEN remotehostname


Filed under: internet, remote host

Batch Script for removing Internet Explorer 7 from your PC

Batch Script for removing Internet Explorer 7 from your PC

This post will introduce you to a batch script which can be used to uninstall Internet Explorer 7 from your Computer. Follow the steps mentioned below to uninstall Internet Explorer 7 from your PC using a script file.

Internet Explorer 7 Logo

1.) Open your favorite editor like Textpad, Notepad, Notepadd++ etc.

2.) Copy the script code below and save the file as “TechnofriendsIE7RemovalScript.bat

REM **********************************************************************
REM Technofriends Script for Uninstalling Internet Explorer 7 from your PC
REM @Author:Vaibhav
REM @Date: 02-May-2008
REM **********************************************************************

@echo off
title InternetExplorer7 Uninstaller
color 0E
if exist %windir%\ie7\spuninst\spuninst.exe goto uninstall
if not exist %windir%\ie7\spuninst\spuninst.exe goto end

echo IE7 installation available….
echo Uninstalling IE7 from your PC…
echo Please wait, this may take several minutes depending on your computer.
%windir%\ie7\spuninst\spuninst.exe /quiet /norestart
echo IE7 has been uninstalled from your PC.
echo You need to reboot your computer to complete the uninstallation.
echo Internet Explorer will not function correctly unless you reboot.
echo Please save and close any open files!!!!
echo !! Any unsaved data will be lost !!
echo Press Enter to reboot your computer.
pause > nul
shutdown -r -t 15

echo IE7 not found.
echo Press Enter to exit from the setup.
pause > nul

3.) Double click the file to uninstall Internet Explorer 7 from your Computer.

Filed under: batch, internet