Ethical Hacking


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Cain and abel

Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, recovering wireless network keys, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols. The program does not exploit any software vulnerabilities or bugs that could not be fixed with little effort. It covers some security aspects/weakness present in protocol’s standards, authentication methods and caching mechanisms; its main purpose is the simplified recovery of passwords and credentials from various sources, however it also ships some “non standard” utilities for Microsoft Windows users.

Cain & Abel has been developed in the hope that it will be useful for network administrators, teachers, security consultants/professionals, forensic staff, security software vendors, professional penetration tester and everyone else that plans to use it for ethical reasons. The author will not help or support any illegal activity done with this program. Be warned that there is the possibility that you will cause damages and/or loss of data using this software and that in no events shall the author be liable for such damages or loss of data. Please carefully read the License Agreement included in the program before using it.

The latest version is faster and contains a lot of new features like APR (Arp Poison Routing) which enables sniffing on switched LANs and Man-in-the-Middle attacks. The sniffer in this version can also analyze encrypted protocols such as SSH-1 and HTTPS, and contains filters to capture credentials from a wide range of authentication mechanisms. The new version also ships routing protocols authentication monitors and routes extractors, dictionary and brute-force crackers for all common hashing algorithms and for several specific authentications, password/hash calculators, cryptanalysis attacks, password decoders and some not so common utilities related to network and system security.

Download Cain & Abel v2.0 for Windows 9x (discontinued and not supported anymore)
MD5 – A14185FAFC1A0A433752A75C0B8CE15D
SHA1 – 8F310D3BECC4D18803AF31575E8035B44FE37418

Download Cain & Abel v4.9.26 for Windows NT/2000/XP
MD5 – F40DDC166B29DB24BDCB68285AFB0CD8
SHA1 – 974856F989B312A91A2EE5519C16D9F559875104

WARNING !!! The password list file format is changed between version 4.9.10 and 4.9.14. Old LST files are not compatible anymore so it is strongly suggested to backup your files before upgrade to this new release.

Filed under: hacking, password recovery tool, remote hacking

Remote Hacking

Remote Hacking is 90% undetectable .

Here we learn to hack a computer any where in this whole world.
A Major Notice If you are behind a router you will need to port forward your router. To do this you can use a DMS. Its hard to explain as every router has a different interface ( homepage that has a different layout ) so i suggest you go to Google and search It will teach you how to port forward your router there.

To begin with you will need these three tools,download them given below:

1. Daemon_Crypt

2. PC_GUard

3. Yuri_Rat

After downloading these tools ur first step is to open Yuri Rat and then click on server build

You should now have the following the screen

In this screen I want you to put your IP address into the DNS/IP section.

To get IP Address go to Start > Run > Type CMD and hit enter. When the black box appears type in IPCONFIG. You will then have your IP Address

Port: You Can Leave As Default (-7898-)

Assigned Name: Doesn’t effect how the server will work its just to keep you more organized so if you wanted to hack your friend “JOE” and specifically make this server for him then you may want to type something like “JOES TROJAN”.

Server Install Name: You should leave this as default as I myself don’t know what the difference is as every server you make is named server when it is 1st created anyway. Do not change it as it may make problems but I am not sure.

Ok as you can see there are more settings on the right hand side. I am going to recommend you settings for different purposes.

To Hack A Friend For Fun: Uncheck Everything Unless You Want To Do Optional
(OPTIONAL) Melt Server – Your server will disappear into another folder
(OPTIONAL) Custom Icon if you want to make it more believable or something then get an icon of super Mario or something you get my drift

To Find Out Valuable Information: Check Everything

Now You Are Finished Click Build.

Your server will then be saved to your C: or Hard Drive which ever you know it as. Now we are going to make the server about 90% Undetectable. Only once has one of my servers been detected by an anti virus and I think it was a Norton not sure which version. Ive scanned more then once with Kasper Sky & Symantec Anti Virus and every time they said its clean so lets begin

Open Up Daemon Crypt

Select Your File by clicking browse and going to the folder your server is in. If you have not moved it, it will most likely be in C:

So Now You Have This

Click On Crypt and then you can close Daemon Tools

Now Install Your Pc Guard for Win32

When you open it you should get this

Ok you have to do basically the same thing as what you did with daemon tools. Click Browse and then find your server so that you have this

You then want to click on the General Settings and put these settings

Ok now you want to go to customization and make sure nothing is ticked

For the last step you want to click the protection methods tab and set it to plain. And then click on protect

Your server is now undetectable =)

Ok so now we created our server and everything is ready to go. Now our real work start trapping, say ur friend this is nice article on hacking or a sexy pic of a star, or u can trap him/her depending upon thier likes, The Server has been send to their system & they have opened it. If you checked the melt server option then the server will basically evaporate into their computer.

Ok so now you have the server running on there comp and it has opened up the default port for you to connect to.

Once again open Yuri Rat and click on listen. Yuri rat will then listen for your online servers that you have gave to people running on the default port 7898. If the person who you sent the rat to is not online you cant connect. When the server you sent out to his/her a balloon notification will pop up. Note that yuri rat should still be listening for the servers. The server will show up in yuri rat. You right click and press connect. And there you go. you are now successfully connected to your victim

Now withoutt up-loading plugins from yuri rat to his/hers pc u r able to operate certain files or programs such as download files from there pc & place ur files onto his/her pc.

When you are connected click on plug ins and them upload all of them.

You will then have access to keyloggers, screen capture and much more. If you get stuck click on the help button and it will tel you more about plugins.

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Evered wanted to know how to hack? well you can learn on how to hack, but you’ll be known as Script Kiddie

First off you will need to download ProRat SE 1.9 (Clean) [Pass: pro]
and follow the steps below:

1) Extract the file onto your desktop and place them into a folder
2) Open ProRat.exe , you will get a message, press OK
3) once you see the program, click the button CREATE
4) You will get another window, enter your email into the E-MAIL section ( you will need a real email)
and press CREATE SERVER.

Now that you’ve finished the hardest part, follow these steps below and you can get hacking.

6) Send the program to a friend, and make sure he/she opens it.
7) Check your email, (junk in needed), and find the “Your victim is online”
8) Copy and paste the IP address onto ProRat where it says “IP:[]”
9) Press CONNECT, DO NOT CHANGE THE PORT, if u did change it back to 5110
10) Type in the password (default is usually 123456, it is in the email).
11) Your done, now you can mess with the buttons on the program. Especially the GIVE DAMAGE button. It will damage their pc by format, and will make the computer useless.
I will not be responsible for your action, this article is for only education on how it works, and how to prevent it. Still need help? Go to Contacts Page. (Use AIM)I will be available till 2011!!!If you refer your friends to this article, then it will help me and I can provide a “crypter” which will help your server.exe become undetectable.

Filed under: hacking, remote hacking, remote host