Ethical Hacking


Just another weblog

Windows 7 theme for xp

If windows 7 transformation pack does not work in your computer then you can try windows 7 theme for it.

Windows 7 uxtheme

Download from these links
Life Rocks 2.0 and Shell Extension City]

Filed under: themes, windows 7

Igoogle Themes

Google has introduced new themes for igoogle these are the gaming themes
Picture your homepage with “Burnout” cars zooming in the background, Ryu from “Street Fighter” blasting hadoukens across your page, or rock stars jamming out to tunes from “Guitar Hero.” It doesn’t end there. For those of you who used to dream about completing the Triforce or getting out of tombs alive, choose from “Zelda” or “Tomb Raider.” Want more? Try “Dungeons & Dragons,” “The Sims 3,” or “World of Warcraft” on for size.

So come check out the new game themes ( and choose your favorite one. If you can’t decide, no worries. Just add the game theme of the day and enjoy seeing a different one on your iGoogle page every day.

Filed under: google, igoogle, themes